Video Advertising - Here's what you should know

  It's no longer news that making use of videos in advertising delivers increased results, as opposed to making use of still-images. Given this realization, video advertising has become more popular especially in recent years.

However, how can you make sure that you are using videos the right way in your advertising? For the purpose of understanding this better, we are going to make use of a "Product Launch" scenario to better explain how videos should be used.

Launching a Product Using Video Advertising 

When launching a product, there are various video amplification frameworks that can be used to ensure that the video communicates to viewers its intended objective, as well as help induce purchase behavior.

Some examples of these video amplification frameworks are;

1) Tease, Amplify, & Echo

2) Direct Shot

3) The Follow-up 


  • Tease, Amplify, & Echo
This amplification framework is particularly exciting because it make use of three separate videos. The purpose of the first video is to tease viewers about the upcoming product launch by making use of a short video ad, the second video helps to amplify the message about your product by using longer video ads with the aim of increasing reach and the impact of the ads. The aim of the third video is to echo the message about your product so as to prompt buying action from your audience.
This way, all three videos work smoothly to direct your audiences excitement. Thus, keeping them engaged at every step. 
  • Direct Shot 
Here, sticking to a single concept while creating your video ad is very important. This way it minimizes the chance of confusion on the part of the audience. The only other thing to note is that you can choose to slightly twist the video to fit your audiences perspective.

For example, if your ad is about energy drinks, you can add an athletic twist to your videos. This is because athletes mostly are the primary consumers of energy drinks.

  • The Follow-up
This video amplification framework serves viewers two separate videos. The first video is usually a long piece of creative and this is followed by a shorter one whose aim is to remind viewers of what they just watched. Hence, the name follow-up. 

These three video amplification frameworks, while different, each produce results. It is important to note that, it's use may be dependent on available resources and production time. It is advised to take into account all necessary factors before selecting a specific framework to undertake.
That's it for this week guys. To stay up-to-date with my posting schedules and other marketing tips and strategy, visit and follow my Instagram account .
